Shipping & Returns
We ship internationally. All shipments will be handled by USPS, UPS, FedEx or your local logistic company.
SCRY does not process orders, ship, or deliver on weekends.
Please do not consider weekend days when calculating your delivery date.
Please allow 1 to 2 business days for processing time. Orders are processed everyday Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
If the product is under pre-orders, please allow the specified timeframe to process and schedule the shipment.
SCRY will not be held responsible for any lost shipments or damages caused to the product during shipments.
SCRY does not accept returns. However, customers can return defective products within 30 days of the original purchase when approved for repair/exchange. All returned products must be in the original packaging and include all original contents, including manuals, inserts, cables, accessories, and parts, accompanied by a proof of purchase.
For wrongly ordered items, SCRY does not accept returns or provide refunds for where the product packaging has been opened.
We reserve the right to limit returns to only defective or inoperable products.
SCRY will not issue a refund for your purchase but will exchange your product with a replacement product.
To return for repair/exchange, please contact us at
Customer is responsible for shipping charges on return merchandise and SCRY will not be held responsible for lost shipment.
Once an order has been processed, it can no longer be cancelled. Please refer to our return policy on how to return your product.